
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Episode 5: Illuminati From The Top Rope, Brother
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wtf is Vault 7 and what does it mean for your TV. And more importantly, what does Pamela Anderson's salad have to do with it all? Heaps, of course. Macho Man swings by as well, to tell us all about the Illuminati.

Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Episode 4: Snowmobiling To Trappist-1
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Is the Oscar fiasco proof that Freemasons are organising humilation rituals during award shows? Of course they are. Don't be so naive. Then we talk about Trappist-1, is it a trap? What do the Big Bang Theory cast know about it all... as usual, we have you covered.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Episode 3: Transvestigations at the End of the World
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
We dive into Transvestigations and find out what they have to do with angels in Antarctica. Also, we wonder if the agile structure is why Nazi Ufos have never taken off. Could they still be in the final sprint? Tune in!

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Episode 2: New World Order Moves to Canberra
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
This week we wonder why the New World Order would use the Port Arthur massacre as a way to move to Canberra. We also try to work out why on earth(!) the Flat Earth conspiracy is making a mainstream comeback and what that has to do with the NBA.

Monday Feb 20, 2017
Episode 1: Big Bash False Flags & Pizzagate
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
What do Nic Cage, the Big Bash League and golf all have to do with a recent tragedy in Melbourne? Also, wtf is Pizzagate? Don't worry, just relax and let us explain it all, right into your ears.