
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Episode 15: Taukiri! Plasma Ball To The Neck!
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Wednesday May 24, 2017
This week we try work out what the dickens HAARP is all about. Radio waves, weather control, mind control and more. And of course the illuminati is behind it all. And how about the first people to land in Australia and NZ? Were they white? Nah, they weren't. Some racists want you to think that though. Find out why.

Wednesday May 17, 2017
Episode 14: Paradise Ranch Fireworks Display
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Canberra is an occult... something. We never really got to the bottom of it. Pretty boring place, even in conspiracy. And Area 51... turns out it's ages away from Roswell. Like, inconveniently so. Why would they ship a bloody grey all that bloody way? We never really get to the bottom of that either to be honest. Whatevs. Tune in.

Wednesday May 10, 2017
Episode 13: Alex Jones And Another Great Title From Robbo
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
This week we swim in the watery waters of Alex Jones. With eye's like a puppy and the physique of an adonis, could he really be Bill Hicks and Beau Bridges morphed into one perfect human specimen? Is he even human? Is this just another of Ted Turner's classic pranks?

Wednesday May 03, 2017
Episode 12: The Conundrum Foundation's Communist Toast Strategy
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Ever read the Berenstein Bears? How about the BerenSTAIN Bears!? If that blew your mind, tune in to learn more about the smushing of mulitverses that's warping our reality. Also what the fudge is a Posadist and why are there so many memes about it? Plus some dank bud knowledge on the low key.

Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Episode 11: Pac's Pinging Pineal Gland
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
They are putting things in our water, but not even fluroide could keep 2Pac's pineal gland from pinging off the charts. Find out how that all ties in to Salty and Cam battling to be the whitest dude on the podcast. It's a classic FroYo vs Mad Mag showdown. BLAT BLAT BLAT.

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Episode 10: Faxes From Raptor Jesus
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
We dive into Dilbert and his connection to Syria, the White Helmet's and the Russians. Then we unpack Jesus' death? Did he die? Did he move to Japan to start a garlic farm, is he secretly a space lizard? You will find out the answers to this and... well not much else. And you probably won't find the answers. EXPECT LOLS THOUGH

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Episode 9: David Icke, Ashy Bines, and the Pipsqueak Gang
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Who really run this? Girls? Lizards? Knights of Malta? George Soros? We follow the marionette up to the hand that guides the strings. What does Conan the Barbarian have to do with it all? And is Ricky still in the Pipsqueaks Too? Who knows? You! After you listen to this week's episode.

Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Episode 8: Government Mushrooms and Green Cheese Moons
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Are they chemtrails or are they just hallucinogen induced freakouts in Europe? What are chemtrails? Are planes the most efficient way of distributing them and what do toilets have to do with it all? So many bloody questions. Also, the moonlanding; fake or real? (obviously real) Find out for sure this week on the Hypothetical Institute.

Monday Apr 03, 2017
Episode 7: From Science Club To Breakfast Club
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
This week we take a look at them words. Find out why signing your name could have you tied in knots with the shadow government, and learn what Quantam Grammar is all about. Also, the People's Princess. Who killed her and why?

Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Episode 6: Secret Panda Business With Tuesday Weld
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Who would've thought we stumbled into an actual conspiracy when talking about wrestling last week? Well... we did. Also, Cam gives us the low down on his favourite consipracy, Tuesday Weld. It has Manson family, zombie Waylon Jennings, the Beach Boys, Route 66, CIA, LSD and heaps more.