
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Episode 66: I'm Glad I'm not a Kennedy
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
This week we look at the Kennedy Curse. Why are the Kennedy's cursed? We don't actually know tbh. BUT THEY ARE... well, probably not. I dunno, whatevs. Tune in for some lols and talk of the great American dynsasty.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Episode 65: ROYAL RUMBLE
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
We’ll never be royals, but you know who will? Royals. And to help pin something on that lizardy lot we take an overarching look at a few royal conspiracys that may, or may not, be true. Where does the truth lie? Follow us to the throne, where we will get our grubby hands on the crown jewels.

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Episode 64: Cult Behaviour
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
This episde was supposed the be out WEEKS ago but SOMEBODY didn't do it (CAM). Anyway, here we are, talking about outdated stuff like it's current. Ugh. Don't judge us, gentle listener, for we are mere humans. Either or, it's a bloody good show nonetheless so stick with it. It's evergreen content when it's about cults doomsday and suicide.

Tuesday May 22, 2018
Episode 63: Nostrasoozefest
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
This week we learn that Nostradamus is pretty boring... maybe he was an interesting guy to his friends, but we ain't seein' it. And by the looks of it, neither was he. Ol' fake news Nosty just saying things.

Tuesday May 08, 2018
Episode 62: Lost Time, Time Loss, & Time Warps
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Hello and welcome to the latest episode of the hit podcast: The Hypothetical Institute. And boy oh boy do we have hits for you. We are talking time, tree rings, lost civilization and all sorts of crazy kooky pop culture things. Stay tuned ladies and germs because we promise you will leave here with no socks for we will rock them clean off.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Episode 61: Elisa Lam & The Smiley Face Killer
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
In this episode, we look at some mysterious water-based deaths which some people say contain more than a trace of conspiracy. Are lazy police letting a monster get away with murder (and vandalism)? Was Elisa Lam a victim of the Illuminati? Was Cliff Richard robbed at Eurovision? Find out with your favourite cooked units.

Friday Apr 06, 2018
Episode 60: Behold A Mad Gasser
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
What is a "mad gasser"? An angry driver? An epic party? Or somebody hoonin' around town gassing people in their homes for no apparent resaon. Obviously it's the latter. We take you on a journey to Mattoon, Illinois and tell a story of mass histeria... or was it? Also, Project Orion - that time we research different things but discovered they all have a spooky link.

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Episode 59: Doin The Hutcho
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Hello friends and loyal listeners. Let us take you on a journey through the Age of Horus and what it has to do with Perth. Then, we fly you to Facebook HQ and peak inside Building 8, where your neurons fire at max capacity and you can listen to things WITH YOUR SKIN. Weird

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Episode 58: Of Moths And Men
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
This week we look at two spooky things. The first, Lake City Quiet Pills. A mysterious reddit based mystery that was pretty underwhelming if I'm really honest. The second, Mothman, which is awesome because it is a story of a giant moth terrorising a town.

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Episode 57: Dyatlov's Pass and the Battle of LA
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
In the late 50s, Russia, nine hikers go missing. Later, they are found, DEAD. Avalanche? Pnuemonia? Ergot and mushies? Or something not of this world? We get to the botton of Dyatlov's Pass. We also take a look at the Battle of LA. Was it even a battle or just some hothead artillery men firing themselves into a frenzy?